What do you mean by egg freezing?

Egg or oocyte freezing is process in which the eggs from a woman’s body are extracted, frozen and stored. When the woman is planning a pregnancy, these oocytes are thawed ( defreezed) and ICSI is performed to form embryos.

What are advantages of egg freezing and when is it recommended?
Common signs and symptoms of endometriosis include:
  • 1. It is important and maybe the only chance for a woman at risk of losing fertility due to cancer or at risk of premature ovarian failure due to chemotherapy.
  • 2. For woman who choose to postpone motherhood for personal or professional reasons.
  • 3. To maximize oocyte donation, avoiding recipient /donor synchronization and making quarantine of samples possible.
  • 4. Last but not the least, egg freezing help bypass any potential conflicts associated with legal ownership of cryopreserved embryos in the event of divorce.
How do you do egg freezing?

Egg is the largest cell of the human body. During freezing, water crystallizes and this can damage vital cell structures. So, we dehydrate the cell using protectants and then freeze. Thus the cell is protected from damage. Freezing also hardens the outer shell of the egg. Hence, ICSI has to be done to fertilize these eggs.

Any long term effects on egg due to freezing?

More than 300,000 babies are born worldwide by egg freezing. The studies did show no increases rate of miscarriages or birth defects with egg freezing. The data is reassuring however; it will still take many years of follow up to ensure these babies and those born by egg freezing.

More than 300,000 babies are born worldwide by egg freezing. The studies did show no increases rate of miscarriages or birth defects with egg freezing. The data is reassuring however; it will still take many years of follow up to ensure these babies and those born by egg freezing.

How long can it be freezed?

Scientific evidence does not give any limit to the number of years an egg can be stored.

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